Monday, September 29, 2014

I. Am. In. Love.

We stopped by the house today. They put out real door and doorknob on so my breaking and entering skills are no longer sufficient. Today I used my Madilynn skills.
She got in and then realized the door was unlocked. Hahahahaha! 

Anyways... They vacuumed and swept, patched some more paint, and took the paper off the vinyl floors. 

And more importantly... They put in out counter tops!! And I'm in 💕
I love love love it. 
Here is a close up of the color
We went upstairs to find our bathroom complete. We even have water now.
And we also have closet shelves now. Here is half of my closet, I may sleep in there next Tuesday!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Carpet and lotsa dirt

Declan and I ventured over to the house yesterday and unfortunately everything was locked up tight. So I did what anyone would do and went back to the car to grab this:
I used to be pretty good and breaking and entering and apparently I've still got it. My poor library card is a little banged up on the left side but oh well, we got in :) 
Yesterday they did carpet in most of the house! 
And they brought in a whole lotta dirt
They also poured rocks for our driveway.
I believe they are painting and carpeting again today as well as doing outdoor work. Hard to believe that 2 weeks from today we will be officially moving in!! 

Oh... I also received an email last night that we are CLEARED TO CLOSE! I'm so ready to do this!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Update on colors

Well after lots of drama and overcomplicating everything, Madilynn has changed her room color:
I'm sure you were all dying to know. 
And here is a close up of our colors:
Kitchen, morning room, and family room
Accent wall in our master:

Saturday, September 20, 2014

More updates

Today we had a fireplace!!
The plumber was there so we had toilets, faucets, shower heads, and our outdoor hose spickets. 
Here is the back of the morning room completely sided, I love it! 

And then I met our friend Derek at the model house to talk paint. Below are our colors. The red is in the family room and kitchen/morning room for accent walls, light blue is an accent wall in the master bedroom, and crazy blue will be all of madis room.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Action... Lots more action

It's amazing how much they can get done in a day!! We have some siding and I LOVE the color! It's a little darker than I expected but I really like it with the brown shutters and white trim. That is something I wouldn't have chosen so I have mike to thank for that :)

Notice the light fixture as well ^^^
The kitchen cabinets also went in today and I'm told the granite guys would be there to measure at the end of the day:
The kids vanity and mirror was put in (sorry for the bathroom mirror selfie!):
There are doors everywhere and trim was getting out up while we were there:

Our bathroom vanity and mirror were out in (again, bathroom selfie) and the faucet was put in on the tub:

I absolutely cannot believe that in 3 weeks we will be living here!! 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lights, floors, action!

Over the last couple of days they have gotten quite a bit done at the house. We now have most of our lighting fixtures, heat, and all vinyl/tile floors. 

Vinyl floor in the entry way, lighting fixture as well.

Vinyl in the kitchen, also recessed lights:
A thermostat and heat! 
Lighting in the kids bathroom:
Our bedroom:
The AMAZING tile in our master bath, I am SOOOOOOO excited about this!!!
A doorbell (and a pretty cute young man to ring it:
And a whole lot more got delivered yesterday - cabinets, countertops, and trim:

We are STILL waiting on siding (and it's killing me) but dates haven't changed. Three weeks from tonight is our first night sleeping there! Can't wait! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

We have paint!

So we were supposed to have siding last week and still no siding :( but it did get delivered so we at least can see the color! It's called Mediterranean Palm...
And we had to break in, but we got in :) family room:
Looking into the kitchen from the family room:
Looking at the stairs from the family room:
The morning room:
They wrapped the basement walls:
Declan standing in his room:
The loft: 
Madi in her bedroom:
Master bedroom:
Standing in the bathroom doorway looking at the bedroom. The doorway is mikes closet
The stairway:

The painting should be done by Tuesday as should the siding. They they paint the trim. Then they do vinyl and tile flooring. And then cabinets and countertops. Can't wait!!