Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Moving time!

Tuesday morning we had our final we all through at 8. We woke up to a beautiful sunrise at the cottage and headed over to mikes moms to load our stuff. 
Before we went we already had both cars and 2 trailers loaded and ready to go. This is all the stuff we had at mikes moms:
We went to lunch at dinosaur BBQ and then walked over to our closing at 1:00. 
We were happy campers :) 

We headed right to the house and started unloading. We got both trailers and cars unloaded, we loaded up another trailer and our cars again, grabbed Madi, and mike went to pick up the furniture at raymour and Flanagan. Madi and I ran a few errands, my mom brought Declan home, and we all met at home for pizza :) 

The first night in we had all of our stuff that had been with us at mikes moms, and what did I make sure to unpack??
It is pretty overwhelming having every single article of clothing that you own in one spot!  Oh, and the closet wasn't the ONLY thing I unpacked, I also tackled about a dozen boxes and totes in various rooms but mostly the kitchen. 

During the week mike brought more stuff from storage and we continued to unpack. Here are pics from I think Wednesday night:
As you can see we had some painting done. ^^ 
We also bought a new couch and chair and a half for the loft, both are sleepers:

On Thursday night Declan enjoyed his first bath in our jetted tub:

Friday and Saturday allowed for quite a bit of unpacking and getting settled.
Madis room, she picked the color which I really like:
Declan's room:
The loft: 

The family room:


Sunday we went to mikes dad and stepmoms to get the rest of our stuff. They generously allowed us to store stuff in their basement when we started staging our house. We got back from their house and went to pick up new bedroom furniture that I found for sale on Facebook. It was a physically exhausting afternoon!! But we are in love with our bedroom set!! 

I was grateful for the extra day off on Monday. I got some work done around the house and also enjoyed a drive around the lake with my parents. 

This week has been hanging pictures, clearing out boxes and totes, and cleaning up. Declan's room is pretty put together, the other rooms aren't quite done. I'll post more pics when they are :) 

A huge thanks to mikes mom for giving us a home for 4 1/2 months, mikes dad and stepmom for giving us a storage space, my parents for all of the help moving, and Sara for watching Declan this weekend :) 

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