Monday, July 21, 2014

Progress... And a mess.

My friend sent us this pic last week when we were on vacation(thanks Kim):
Tonight I went over with the kids and we walked around inside, it was pretty fun. 
In the back right corner is our braker box, we had our electricity run last week as well as the walls poured.
The white posts sticking up are the rough in for our future basement bathroom. 
This is Madi laughing at me because I tried to step on the black garbage can to get out, in a skirt, and it didn't work too well. Oh well. 
We saw another family walking by that we met a couple months ago so we went to chat with them. Declan started throwing rocks in the water across the street with their little boy and this happened... Woops! 
Luckily we had seen madis kindergarten teacher out watering his lawn so we walked over to his house and he hosed Declan off. Thanks bob!! 
On the way home Declan said "mom, now I know to stay on the hard mud."
At least he learned something today!! 

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