Sunday, August 24, 2014

More progress

We stopped by yesterday and walked around... Hvac I think is finished and the electrical team is working! 
Duct for the stove/oven:

Fireplace with future tube: 
Forced air: 
Recessed lights in the kitchen:
Kids closet frames were fixed. We paid to have their closets bumped out three feet with double doors, last week they were framed with only one door. 
Basent window was cut out
Not sure if I posted this one yet but we also have a roof!

Electrical will finish this week and we have our pre drywall meeting Thursday morning. I've been so wrapped up in the house itself being built for so long, it's crazy that now we are going to start seeing rooms. I can't wait for the kitchen cabinets, flooring, and all that fun stuff! 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Today they worked on our plumbing.
Here is the rough in for the kitchen sink:
Half bathroom:
The kids bathtub:
My jetted tub 😄😄😄
Our shower:
And some other random pics:

Monday, August 18, 2014

It's a house!

RThis morning I received a call from the foreman, Garrett, giving me our current schedule: framers will be done tomorrow, roofers later this week, hvac and electric early next week. So we have our pre drywall meeting Thursday morning. It's insane how quickly they move! 
Here is the house around 10:30 when I drove by:
And a pic my parents sent me around noon:
And a pic from the neighborhood spy at around 1:30:
Crazy! So I went back with my parents and Declan this evening and they were just packing up at 6:30. I guess 12 hour days produce some amazing results! 
The view from the kitchen into the famy room. The half wall is the bar:
Morning room with windows and French door (which will eventually lead to our deck and hopefully pool):
The living room (fireplace cut out on left)
Declan standing in his bedroom:
Master bedroom and mikes walk in closet
Looking up 
Our master bath, you can see the cutout for the shower and the shelf area is where the tub will be. My walk in closet is behind there. 

This part is so exciting, there is tangible progress daily!!  And of course Declan always makes it interesting... He had to go potty so we introduced ourselves to the neighbors across the street (that just closed today) and broke in their potty! 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Workin on the weekend

We were pretty psyched to see that the framers were out on Saturday. My neighborhood spy told me they were out before 7am! Here is the first pic my spy sent me at around 10am (thanks Bob). 

Here is what it looked like when we went to look around this morning:
Declan standing in his bedroom:
Madis room:
Our bedroom:
Our bathroom and my walkin closet:
The view from our bedroom window:
The basement:
And Declan decided that when he grows up he wants to be a construction worker. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

All in a days work

The morning room:
Mikes office:
Family room:
Inside of morning room:

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Finally! Progress :)

The framers started (finally) this afternoon! 
The back view 
The spot for our fireplace