Friday, June 20, 2014

Posts are in!

We just went by the property and they have our property lines stakes with pink flags and the house corners staked with orange flags. 
Here is mike standing in the family room :) 
And Declan throwing rocks from the morning room! 

Stay tuned for (hopefully) more action next week! 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Pre construction meeting

Today we met with out project manager, Garrett. We looked at the blueprints to our house and went over all of our selections. He said they will start on our lot sometime in the next 2 weeks... Stay tuned!! 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

It's getting closer!!

We had our electrical appt today and then drove by our lot which now has a sign that they're building a Milan. Electrical appointment was good - we took a few things out from our original contract and added a couple outlets, a fan in the master bath, a flood light out back, and two more cable jacks. Nothing major but it was fun to look at the plans for our house and make all of these little decisions! 

Next appointment is pre construction on June 16th. 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Flooring appointment

Today we went to our flooring appointment. It's so exciting but also overwhelming. It's easy to get rid of a couple things you don't like but the rest are so similar that it's hard to choose. Here are our selections: 
For the kitchen (we will replace the vinyl with hardwoods sometime within the next few years)
For the carpet in the whole house:
For the fireplace, the mantel is white and we are going to do a red accent wall, so I thought the black would be fairly neutral. 
For the kids bathroom (white counter and white tub) 
For our bathroom, we also have a white counter and white soaker tub. The tile will surround the tub and standup shower.

We have our electrical appointment on Thursday and pre construction meeting on June 16th. They plan to start building that week!! 

For now, we are living with mikes mom and incredibly grateful to her for giving us a place to stay and for having enough space for all of us! Yesterday we moved into storage and we should close on the Manchester house this week. It was bittersweet to say goodbye.